Grow Wealth 2 Retire LLC is a real estate company focused on acquiring and building A and B-class apartment complexes and land development through syndications. We are currently managing 2700+ units with $350 million in assets under management and are looking to acquire/build 1000 units per year.
We strive to achieve 8–12% cash on cash per year and 80–100% total returns in 5 years.

We help our clients grow wealth, minimize risk, maximize returns, and secure financial freedom through diversifying investments into commercial real estate projects. Our team has the experience, expertise, and resources to navigate the real estate market so you can focus on doing what you do best!
Consider how good it feels to know that every single one of your hard-earned dollars is being invested wisely.
Meet Our CEO & Founder
- Technologist for three+ decades spanning Legacy, Distributed, Internet, and Cloud computing.
- Commercial Real Estate Deal Sponsor and Developer
- Deal Sponsor/GP in 2700+ Units in 12 deals/ $350 mil Assets Under Management
- Limited partner in upto 7000+ units in 25 deals/ Approximately $800 mil

Mr. Sridhar Sannidhi